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Showing posts from July, 2013

What Did We Do On The Bus B4 Mobile Phone's ?

Well, I was on the bus the other morning on me way to work and having a bit of a chat with a colleague as we went. Unusually, we where sat downstairs (as I like to park upstairs and enjoy the view) and I noticed that everyone who was sat in front of us where tinkering with their mobiles. This got me thinking - which is dangerous I know, but here goes, what on earth did we do before mobile phones came about ?  Did we talk to each other, did we read the paper, did we rock a geet big Sony Walkman, can anyone remember ? It was equally interesting to see what people where doing on the phones - not that I'm that much of a nosey parker, but I could quite openly see.  The lady sat in front of me was perusing her ebay account and hoying a couple of bids on (around the Harlow Green area) and she then did a bit of Facebooking.  The lady in front of her was on a game and not sure which one as I don't do them (barring a brief dabble with them Angry Birds). It's amazing really as...

Toon Army Rollercoaster - Is It Time To Get Off ?

After a period of lull and boredom, the Toon Army Rollercoaster has taken an almighty nosedive once again with the ridiculous appointment of Joe Kinnear as Director of Football.  It has to be said that the whole situation at NUFC seems to be at farcical level once more and after listening to the interview with Kinnear on Talksport the other week, you have to wonder what on earth is going on in Mike Ashley's mind.  Kinnear seems to think that the fans are against him as he's not a Geordie, whereas in real life the reason the fans don't want him hear is that he's got no idea on what he's doing, hasn't been in football for years and as the radio interview showed, is a compulsive liar.  I'm not against the position of having a Director of Football as long as its the right person and I have no faith in Joe Kinnear whatsoever in that role, or pretty much anything else for that matter - even as a kebab seller ! Had it just been me with a season ticket, then my ...